We started this magazine because we wanted to play around with long form, literary journalism. But if you’ve read most of our stories, you might have noticed that the ‘journalism’ aspect is quite understated. That’s because great journalism is expensive. Super-expensive.
So how do we fund this sort of journalism? Twenty years ago, the answer would have been obvious: advertising. But, now, we live in a different world, where platforms, not publishers, are the biggest beneficiaries of advertising revenues.
The obvious solution is to turn to readers, to fund the journalism they deserve. From the New York Times to The Economist, to Long Reads to the Guardian UK, this has been the preferred option, with slight variations in implementation.
The Question Marker, too, will choose this route. To pledge a subscription fee to the magazine, you can go here. Our plan is to collect pledges worth a hundred million naira by July 2019. We have no doubt that the future of journalism is in the hands of readers.
If you will also like to know more about what we are trying to accomplish, please visit Our Principles page and read answers to some of our most Frequently Asked Questions.
Meanwhile, this month, we bring you a mix of six stories, with topics ranging from women power to the power of photographs.
You’ll find the short list below and don’t forget to let us know what you think in the comment boxes.
March Stories
How to fight patriarchy in Nigeria
The Nigerian woman who could become Africa’s most innovative engineer
Meet Dr. Adesalu, Botanist, who is pioneering new forms of renewable energy
The Doctor who wants to transform healthcare in Nigeria
Memories floating on a glass of whiskey
Solomon Elusoji